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  • Master modello prodotto (completo)

    ALTA Aroma Diffuser, Humidifier and Night-Light with relaxing flame effect

    Master modello prodotto (completo)


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  • Voce di contenuto 1
  • La pressione di ritorno crea un altro punto rialzista
    1. What is an electric aromatherapy diffuser? An electric aromatherapy diffuser is a device that disperses essential oils into the air for aromatherapy purposes.
    2. Can I use any essential oil in an
      electric aromatherapy diffuser?
      Most essential oils can be used in an electric aromatherapy diffuser, but it's important to follow the manufacturer's
      recommendations and only use oils that are safe for inhalation.
    3. How often should I use an electric aromatherapy diffuser? It depends on the oils used and personal preference. It is advisable to follow the oil producers guidlines for the specific oil being used.
    4. Can electric aromatherapy diffuser help with respiratory issues? Yes, some essential oils have respiratory benefits and using a diffuser can help disperse those oils into the air for inhalation.
    5. Can I use an electric aromatherapy diffuser if I have pets? Some essential oils can be harmful to pets, so it's important to research which oils are safe and avoid using the diffuser in a room where pets spend a lot of time.
    6. Can an electric aromatherapy diffuser be used for insect repellent? Some
      essential oils have insect repellent properties, so using an electric aromatherapy diffuser with those oils can help repel insects.
    7. What size room can the ALTA Aroma
      Diffuser, Humidifier and Night-light be used in?
      The ALTA Aroma Diffuser is suitable for a room of 20 square meters.
